Lessons on God
It’s hard to believe that we’re in the middle of Summer already! Although planning for next year is already underway, it’s hard to keep from reflecting on all of the amazing things that we accomplished this past year.
As a school, we learned history from Columbus to Peter the Great. We learned to read and write and grow fish and reduce fractions and Latin noun declensions. We learned that God gives us our daily bread and that Martin Luther wrote a Mighty Fortress is our God. We learned to respect authority and to take responsibility. We sculpted soap like Donatello and played fun games in PE. We learned to be good friends, to say that we’re sorry and to think of others before we think of ourselves.
We learned so much, but the most important things we learned were about God. His fingerprints were on everything we learned because He’s sovereign over all of it AND because He is infinitely discoverable.
In light of all of those truly amazing things, I wanted to spend some time this summer reflecting on what we learned about God. And I think our best chance for summing it up is found in these three sentences.
We learned that God is True. He is True to His Word which we hid in our hearts. As many of us heard countless times this year, James 1 still rings true:
“Consider it pure joy when we do bar models or number bonds of many kinds?”
“If any of you lacks wisdom about Latin let her ask God who gives generously.”
“Let no mom say she is being tempted by God to drink before 10am, because God tempts no one.”
And, my personal favorite: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above- yes, even your children.”
His Word is True and He is True to His word. He does give joy when we seek Him no matter the circumstance. He does give wisdom when we have nothing. He does lead us from temptation. He does send good and perfect gifts when we least deserve and if we’ll only open our eyes. He is True. And we are grateful.
Next, we learned that God is good. He is so very, very good. He never runs out. His grace is sufficient. He loves beyond measure. He gives abundantly. He never sleeps and never slumbers. His eyes are on us. He delights in us. He sings over us. He listens when we pray. He comforts when we’re down. He stoops low to lift us up. His Kingdom is an upside down Kingdom where wrongs are righted and slaves are set free and sick are healed and old is made new. He’s so good. And we are grateful.
Lastly, we learned that God is beautiful. So very lovely. His creation. The many faces of ACS. How He inspires writers to write and artists to create and musicians to play and teachers to teach and neighbors to give and friendships to deepen. It’s just beautiful.
Our God is True. Our God is Good. And our God is Beautiful. And, oh, how we love Him here at ACS.
I look forward to sharing some more thoughts with you as we continue to enjoy this Summer season and prepare for our new school year to start this Fall!